Welcome to Rockville Centre Coalition for Youth
An Alliance for Combined Action
Our mission is to plan and implement strategies to prevent and reduce
youth substance use and its associated consequences.
- Our Billboard Outlines The Dangers Of Vaping
- Our prevention message is getting into the right hands! On hundreds of take-out containers
- New York National Guard members with RVC Youth Council Chair Andrea Connolly, and Coalition Project Coordinator Ruthanne McCormack.
- Our Drug Free T-Shirt designed by Rockville Centre South Side High School freshman, Zachery Goldberg. The T-Shirt is available for a $10 donation.
- February 2019 Coalition members Advocating at the NY State Capitol against the Commercialization/Legalization of Marijuana
- November 2019 Community Presentation at Adelphi University with Sector Members from the RVC Police Department and Mercy Medical Center addressing the Opioid Epidemic, Underage Drinking and the Suicide epidemic.
- Life Saving Narcan - Surgeon General recommends everyone 18 and over be trained to save a life from overdose
- January 2020 Prevention Day at the RVC MLK Center
- Suicide Prevention Billboard 2020
Non-Opioid Options Grant
At the beginning of 2020, CADCA recruited coalitions from across the country with expertise in healthcare collaborations and opioid prevention to participate in on-going training and focused technical assistance with the vision of increasing awareness and access to non-opioid treatments for acute pain management related to surgery and injury.
As recipients of the Non-Opioid Options Grant, we can educate our community on alternatives for Prescription opioids for pain management. This project will reduce the risk for severe substance use disorder and overdose deaths in our community. We bring awareness on how non-opioid choices can provide increased relief from pain and better patient satisfaction while avoiding life-threatening risks.
Students in our High School produced this video to educate athletes and other students.
- Watch the video

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Study: More kids are sickened by edibles as legal pot expands Study: More kids are sickened by edibles as legal pot expands edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/launch.aspx?eid=c6d65cf6-f7a2-4726-af41-4865d0e8a0eb&pnum=6 See More
More Dangers to be aware of due to Cannabis Legalization! apnews.com/bf55c85be2c2720a4988e6ecedafdb95 See More

As legal pot grows, more kids sickened by edibles at home
The number of young kids, especially toddlers, who accidentally ate marijuana-laced treats rose sharply over five years as pot became legal in more places in the U.S., according to a study published Tuesday.
Please support our Coalition Members from the Southside Leos Club by ordering your holiday pies. Sale benefits Bethany House. @RVC Moms Rockville Centre Chamber of See More

NY is losing too many people and steps must be taken to save lives. CADCA CDC STOP Overdose Deaths See More

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul vetoes bill to fight deadly fentanyl scourge
Staten Island District Attorney Mike McMahon and lawmakers ripped Gov. Kathy Hochul for vetoing legislation aimed at addressing the deadly fentanyl crisis.
Thank you to all of our members and supporters, together we can prevent substance use, wishing everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! CADCA SADD Nation See More

Stay Safe This Halloween- Check all Snacks and Candy and discard if you are unsure! CADCA CDC Narcan - naloxone HCl Nasal Spray 4mg SADD See More

The Health impact of Legalizing Marijuana is real. CADCA AAA Northeast SAM New York SADD Nation Village of Rockville Centre Long Island Crisis Center Town See More